Here. A week ago today, my dearly beloved husband, who was at that time almost 7 weeks post-op right total knee replacement, had a stress fracture which finally went 'POOF' and his right femur snapped in two. Ouch? yes..he had surgery that night for rod and pins to the femur. The good news is that both of his 'artificial' and superman new knee joints are fine and working well. The bad news? He is non-weight-bearing on his right leg for several weeks. There's no cast, as he must continue to bend his right knee (the rod and pins totally stabilized the femur.) He is adorable as he hops on his left leg with his walker (or crutches) as he moves about.
Meanwhile, yours truly is working on a wonderfully humongous book art project, and gathering momentum to make a commissioned journal, which will be so much fun! Oh yes - I also have a kewl design team project in the works for my fave image source, Ten Two Studios! With chauffeuring and doing fun stuff with my mom,
playing fetch for darling hubby, all in all I'm having such a fun summer! heh heh. Actually - it HAS been fun, for the most part - and best of all, our darling 'grands' (pic in below post) and family, will be in the area this week! yay!
DH is healing well, moving pretty well, and so easy to 'care for', that life is moving along - now to get a bit cooler...up around the 100's+ this week.